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Leadership development works best when it integrates your organisation’s growth ambitions with the important needs of your leaders to make a meaningful difference.
We help you design and deliver leadership development experiences for your most influential leaders, using your growth challenges as our laboratory for learning.
Decades of support for organisations around the world enable us to craft creative and pragmatic experiences that have a profound impact on your leaders and on your company.
Whether your team is just forming or has been working together for a long time, a close look at your sense of collective purpose, your ways of working together, and especially the quality of the relationships within the team can help you strengthen your impact.
We help teams at all levels have the conversations they need to sharpen their purpose, build their culture and deepen the relationships amongst team members.
Our approach starts with the science of high-performance teams but is shaped by your context, your growth objectives and your existing team culture.
Your organisation grows when your leaders grow.
Our one-to-one personal development work with your leaders helps them to identify the strengths that enable to make a difference, the values that guide them, and the impact they want to make through their leadership. It also helps them to create a high-definition image of their future selves, an image that serves as a target for their personal growth.
Our personal development work draws on the most recent research into how we learn and grow. It is highly personalised, but grounded in the science of personal growth.
Summit Leadership has a deep expertise in the psychological dimensions of leadership transitions, with a strong emphasis on post-transition growth (PTG).
We focus on transitions because we know that disruptive personal change can be a rich opportunity for personal growth if, and only if, it is managed with curiosity, with an appreciation for what is already working, and with a willingness to test old assumptions, important beliefs and core narratives.
Our support for your leaders as they prepare for and embark on significant career transitions uses the disruption of change to help them become stronger, more confident and more self aware.
Leadership development strategies, like business strategies, need constant refreshing.
Our team has over 25 years of experience helping leadership development teams make sure that their strategies are focused, meaningful, actionable, and impactful.
Our work with them mirrors our work with organisations, teams, and individual executives: we start by asking what difference do you want to make, what strengths and values will enable you to make that difference, and how would you need to grow to make more of a difference quicker.
Leadership development works best when it integrates the organisation’s growth ambitions with the needs of its leaders to make a meaningful difference.
We help you design and deliver leadership development experiences for your most important leaders, using your growth challenges as our laboratory for learning.
Decades of support for organisations around the world enable us to craft creative and pragmatic experiences that have a profound impact on your leaders and your company.
Leadership development works best when it integrates the organisation’s growth ambitions with the needs of its leaders to make a meaningful difference.
We help you design and deliver leadership development experiences for your most important leaders, using your growth challenges as our laboratory for learning.
Decades of support for organisations around the world enable us to craft creative and pragmatic experiences that have a profound impact on your leaders and your company.
Leadership development works best when it integrates the organisation’s growth ambitions with the needs of its leaders to make a meaningful difference.
We help you design and deliver leadership development experiences for your most important leaders, using your growth challenges as our laboratory for learning.
Decades of support for organisations around the world enable us to craft creative and pragmatic experiences that have a profound impact on your leaders and your company.
Leadership development works best when it integrates the organisation’s growth ambitions with the needs of its leaders to make a meaningful difference.
We help you design and deliver leadership development experiences for your most important leaders, using your growth challenges as our laboratory for learning.
Decades of support for organisations around the world enable us to craft creative and pragmatic experiences that have a profound impact on your leaders and your company.
Leadership development works best when it integrates the organisation’s growth ambitions with the needs of its leaders to make a meaningful difference.
We help you design and deliver leadership development experiences for your most important leaders, using your growth challenges as our laboratory for learning.
Decades of support for organisations around the world enable us to craft creative and pragmatic experiences that have a profound impact on your leaders and your company.
Three values guide how we partner with our clients. In all our partnership we strive to be creative, pragmatic and profound.
Being pragmatic means that we focus our work on making a real difference to your leaders and to your organisation. We favour the good, solid and deep work of lasting change over the interesting but often unhelpful information-sharing approach that we often see in the leadership development world. Being pragmatic means that we work with your leaders on their real personal, team and organisational challenges, and that we use these challenges to help your leaders explore their strengths and identify the areas in which they would like to grow.
Being profound means that we follow the clinical research on the sources of significant personal growth. We understand that growth happens when we explore, understand and transform our assumptions, beliefs, values and below-the-surface core narratives. Whether we are helping leaders through the methodical process of amplifying their strengths or working with them in the accelerated environment of growth-through-transition, we always use material that might be outside their immediate awareness as rich territory for exploration.